Been there, done that – got the T-Shirt!!

The Hervey Bay Sailing Club is asking all competitors to provide feedback on shirt sizes required for the 2025 Bay to Bay Yacht Race.

3XL or small kids sizes are only available by sending a special email direct to the Bay to Bay secretary with number and size required NLT  Friday 7th March.

An early indication can allow us to order in as required. NB. This is NOT an order, just Expression of Interest for numbers.


Bay2Bay Polo Shirt EOI


Shirt Size / Type

  • Available in Polo Style only.
  • Cost - Polo Shirt $45.00 .
  • Shirt will be available to purchase at the "Sign On" at Tin Can Bay
  • Please Note: This is NOT an order for shirts, just an indication of how many the club has to order.
  • Sizes available - 2XL,XL, L, M, S. Check sizing chart as Polo Shirts are a generous size.
  • 3XL only by special request to the B2B secretary before 7th March
  • Please indicate below Number and Sizes you may be interested in.