1 | COVID – 19 SAFETY OFFICER The Safety Officer will be the Secretary, currently Terry Thompson. The Officer is responsible for maintaining attendance records for the site and is to be the first point of contact for any COVID -19 issues that arise. It is your responsibility to contact the Officer in the event that you have been advised by Qld Health that you have been a close contact of a person with COVID or you have been advised you have returned a positive test result for the COVID – 19 virus. The Officer will then provide the Queensland Health Department with attendance registers for periods you were in attendance at the Club. Your anonymity will be protected during this advice process. If necessary, the Officer duties will be delegated to another person, present at the Club on the day. The delegated Officer for the day will be identified on the down stairs notice board. |
2 | Attendance Register Upon arrival at the Club all persons are required to enter your details in the Attendance Register as defined by Queensland Health regulations and include your mobile phone number. An additional column is provided on the Register for you to indicate which (if any) boat that you are sailing or rescue crewing on to quickly assist with potential close contact tracing. If you do not nominate a time for your departure from the Club, the register will be completed on the basis that you departed upon closure of the Club. The register will be kept on the Sandbar and a new sheet provided each Sunday. Please help to remind each other to ensure the Register is signed by everyone in attendance. |
3 | Hand Sanitising location & requirements Hand sanitiser is located adjacent to the Sandbar and at the top of the internal stairs. Hand washing is also available in the toilets. Please sanitise your hands upon arrival and at least every 2 hours whilst in and about the Clubhouse. Also sanitise your hands again before entering the upstairs area of the Club. Thoroughly washing your hands provides better protection than sanitiser. |
4 | Gatherings Stay outside in the open air and minimise gatherings as much as possible. Always maintain the 1.5m social distancing unless you need to work in close proximity to another person. If you need to sit inside out of the weather, maintain the 1.5m social distancing. Do not place chairs around or in the access way to the sandbar area. |
5 | Sandbar The beach captain (Jan York) and shed captain (Daryl Peterson) are the only people to be behind the bar to serve drinks etc though not at the same time. They may also need to delegate this duty to someone else in the event that they are not in attendance at the Club. Personal possessions, wallets & car keys etc. will no longer be able to be stored behind the Sandbar. Once you have been served or completed your sailing sign on, move away from the area and if you need to que for service, maintain the 1.5m social distancing. The beach captain will wipe the sandbar down with disinfectant every hour, however sanitising your hands after using this common space will be wise. |
6 | Toilets / Showers These are potentially high contamination risk areas. The number of people in any of the spaces will be restricted to two at a time. Please wait outside if there is already two people in the area and only enter once another person has exited. It will also be wise not to touch your face whilst in these common spaces and to wash your hands or sanitise them again upon exiting. |
7 | Illness whilst at the Club If you feel unwell or show any signs of respiratory illness, please do not come to the Club and stay at home. If you become noticeably unwell whilst at the Club or start to cough or sneeze, please advise the COVID Safety Officer and you will be provided a disposable mask to help minimise the risk of contamination whilst you pack up equipment and travel home. |
8 | COVID 19 Briefing/Training Register A register of all people completing the above briefing/training and acknowledging their understanding of the Club’s requirements will be kept on the downstairs notice board. If you become aware of anyone present at the Club, that is not identified on the register, please request the person to report to the COVID Safety Officer to ensure a briefing is conducted and risks can be reduced for us all. |
9 | Compliance Statement A copy of the "COVID Safety Statement of Compliance" will be kept on the down stairs notice board. |
HBSC COVID – 19 Precautions